Turn Your Stressful Money Fights into Peaceful Conversations Without Judgement or Shame

From Austin Black
Butler, Mo

Dear friend,

Hey, my name is Austin Black, and I've got a brand new training I want to share with you called 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations. 

This is my framework and strategy for talking about money with your spouse without causing an argument. 

For the last seven years I've studied how money impacts marriage and relationships. As a financial coach and a husband, I've witnessed first hand the conflict and tension that can arise in a relationship when one or both parties aren't able to discuss money without feeling stress and anger. 

I've learned the secret to healthy money conversations isn't about being right
...it's about being understood
When my wife and I first got married, when went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course. In this training, I learned the importance of getting on the same page with my spouse and understanding how she responded to money.
It was easy to talk about money from my own perspective. I knew my shortcomings and successes. I knew what I was afraid of and how it made me feel when I encountered certain financial situations.

But that didn't mean that my wife had the same viewpoint. In fact, most times she didn't share the exact same perspective and couldn't even talk about money the same way as me. 

So whenever we had a conversation where we had differing opinions or understandings, it didn't take long for one of us to feel like we weren't being heard or considered. I remember one conversation in particular when I said "You're not even listening to me!"

The reality was she had heard every word I said, but she was trying to filter my words through her own thought process to understand them, and her questions made me feel like she didn't trust me.
I remember one conversation in particular when I said "You're not even listening to me!"
Once the emotions died down and we were able to vent our frustrations, I learned that she wasn't questioning if I was right...she was simply trying to understand how I came to that conclusion. But what she said and what I heard hadn't connected.

Over the months and years to come, I began to notice the variations in our communication styles and learned what words, gestures and reactions helped or hurt the overall conversation.
5 years into our marriage, I became a financial coach so I could help other couples achieve success with their money and experience the kind of freedom my wife and I were lucky enough to have every day.

With each client I worked with, I noticed shocking similarities in the challenges they faced. They were often quick to point a finger, blame the other person and feel like no matter what they said no one listened.

It didn't take long before I realized the same fundamental tactics that my wife and I used in our marriage were what these couples were missing. They all said they couldn't get on the same page because their spouse didn't think the way they did. Husbands said their wives were nit picking their decisions and wives said their husbands weren't committed to making any changes. 

I discovered that both parties always wanted the same thing, but they couldn't communicate it in a way that made the other listen or understand. 

Soon, I put the pieces together, evaluated all the conversations I'd had with my spouse and my clients and created a framework for helping couples understand and communicate with each other so they could avoid fighting about money. I call it...
"The 6 Secrets of Healthy Money Conversations"
If you feel like you can't get on the same page with your spouse about money, it's probably because you're not effectively communicating with each other. You share your fears, concerns and goals but it's almost like your partner isn't even listening

And when a problem comes up, it's instinctive that someone gets blamed. Instead of feeling like you can work through the problem together, you end up fighting because you don't feel like your spouse hears, trusts or supports your fears and desires

Poor communication can cause stress, frustration and resentment toward each other. When you feel like you're the only one who cares about the situation or wants to make a change, you become overwhelmed and unable to process the next steps

Eventually, you stop talking about money period and the marriage heads for the cliff. 

Turn Your Money Fights into Money Conversations

...so you can develop respect and understanding with your spouse

When you and your spouse are able to understand and appreciate each other's perspective, you begin to create trust in their financial perspective. It's no longer about your opinion vs theirs...it's how you can HELP each other make the decision.

As you work together to manage your money, you develop a stronger bond and respect for each other's opinion. 

Struggling marriages become stable and stable marriages become strong, unwavering relationships with your best friend.

Healthy money conversations turn stress into strength and frustration into freedom. You stop judging each other for your shortcomings and begin thanking each other for your support. 
As a financial coach, I've learned how poor communication results in financial hardship and failed marriages. And I've seen how healthy money conversations leads to trust, understanding, support and appreciate between spouses. That's why I created an in-depth video training that tells you exactly what to do to have healthy money conversations with your spouse so you both understand each other. 
Create Deep Connection and Support with Your Spouse
If you want to get on the same page with your spouse and create financial goals you can accomplish as a team, you HAVE to be able to effectively communicate. That's why this training is a MUST for you and your spouse. 

These are the strategies that I teach my clients in 1:1 sessions for thousands of dollars a year...but today I want to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire training, my Money Secrets for Marriage program and a bonus interview

For Only $47.00
Yes... for about the price of a dinner for two, you can get access to a framework that took me 7 years to create... 

YES AUSTIN! Give Me Instant Access To The 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations Training RIGHT NOW For Just $47.00!
  • 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations Training (Value $197)
  • Money Personality Guide (Value $147)
  • Money Secrets for Marriage Program (Value $197)
  • How to Create & Achieve Life Changing Goals Training (Value $197)
  • Access to Private Facebook Group (Value $47)

Total Value: $785

Today Just $47

This framework helped my wife and I talk through several challenging financial situations, including:

 -How to pay for emergencies
-How to handle tight budget months
-How to allocate money to debts, and
-If we should increase our giving.

Here's how it worked for others...

Jake & Riley used this framework 
to make their differing financial perspectives work to their benefit

“My husband and I were making a huge rut financially and it was definitely causing problems in our marriage. We tried to fix it ourselves but we didn’t see eye to eye on money at all and we weren’t going anywhere. Going through Austin’s program has been a total turn around for our marriage. Even now, we have our differences in understanding and our way of thinking. But the biggest change has been the ability to sit down and talk through it.”

"A total turnaround for our marriage"

When You Get Your Copy Of "6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations"
(For Just $47.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Money Personality Guide
"How to Understand Your Natural Tendencies with Money"
Total Value: $147
Are you a Spender, Saver, Dreamer or Planner? In order to truly understand how you react and respond to money, you have to know your money personality. 

The Money Personality Guide will help you discover the natural tendencies of you AND your spouse so you can better understand each other's perspective of money.

This guide outlines the traits of each personality and provides helpful tips for managing the "extremes" of each to have a balanced approach to financial management.

Get This For FREE When You Order '6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations' Today! 
Bonus #2 - Money Secrets for Marriage Program
"The 3 Fundamental Pillars to Success with Money in Your Marriage"
Total Value: $197
The Money Secrets for Marriage training helps you identify and overcome the source of fear and frustration around your money

You'll discover why men and women respond differently to money and learn how to have a conversation with your spouse that doesn't turn into a fight! 

This program will teach you how to take control of your relationship with money, set realistic financial goals and create a plan for managing your money as a couple so you can make decisions WITHOUT fighting or feeling stressed out.
Get This For FREE When You Order '6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations' Today! 
Bonus #3 - How to Create & Achieve Life Changing Goals
"Tips for Setting, Sticking to and Successfully Achieving Your Goals"
Total Value: $197
In this exclusive interview, I sit down with my personal business coach Amy Walker, to discuss goal setting. Amy is a wife and mother of 5, an author and 7-figure business owner who has crafted an effective way for setting and achieving life changing goals.

This 40-minute training dives deep into how to create realistic goals, stay committed to achieving them and remain flexible when obstacles prevent us from accomplishing them the way we would like.

You won't find this training ANYWHERE else!!
Get This For FREE When You Order '6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations' Today! 
Bonus #4 - Access to Private Facebook Group
"Get Community and Accountability for Your Financial Journey"
Total Value: $47
Get unlimited access to my private online community and receive guidance, accountability and support for your financial journey! 

This group is exclusively designed for couples who want to discover how they can achieve financial independence in their marriage.
Get This For FREE When You Order '6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
You're probably wondering why I would give away so much information for so little cost?!

Well the truth is I want to work with people who want to change their lives and achieve financial independence. So my goal is that by helping you achieve immediate success in your marriage and providing money management tips that you can implement quickly and easily, you'll want to join my community and experience the power of working with someone who cares about your dreams and goals, and understands your fears.

That's it-plain and simple. There's no hidden costs or monthly renewals. Just my mission to change your life and guide you to success.
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
I have to tell you that this special offer is not going to last forever. I might sell these products individually or I might stop selling them altogether! So be sure you take advantage of this amazing offer today before it all goes away.
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
Because my goal is to help you achieve success with your finances, if you don't accomplish that on some level, I have failed and am not qualified to take your money. So if for any reason you don't feel this product is worth what you invested, drop me an email within 6 months of getting the training and I'll refund your $47. 

No questions asked. 

Is that fair?

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order the 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations.
YES AUSTIN! Give Me Instant Access To The 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations Training RIGHT NOW For Just $47.00 !
  Instant Access To 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations Video Training  (Value $197)
  Instant Access To Money Personality Guide (Value $147)
  Full Access To Money Secrets for Marriage Program (Value $197)
  How to Create & Achieve Life Changing Goals Training 
(Value $197)
  Access to Private Facebook Group (Value $47)
Total Value: $785
Today Just $47
I guarantee if you apply the principles in this training, it will change the way you and your spouse communicate, which will change how you handle money...and ultimately change your life!

Thanks again,
Austin Black

You get my 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations training that I teach to all my 1:1 clients (who pay me $5,000+) and use in my own marriage to effectively communicate with my spouse about money. I spent 7 years learning these fundamentals and the incredible impact they have on helping couples turn money fights into money conversations.

You'll also get the Money Personality Guide, my Money Secrets for Marriage Program, an exclusive training interview on goal setting AND access to my private Facebook group. 

That's over $785 of training for only $47. That's it. PLUS you have my no questions asked, full refund guarantee for 6 months. 

Click the button below right now to get started!
YES AUSTIN! Give Me Instant Access To '6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations' RIGHT NOW For Just $47.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • 6 Secrets to Healthy Money Conversations Training (Value $197)
  • Money Personality Guide (Value $147)
  • Money Secrets for Marriage Program (Value $197)
  • How to Create & Achieve Life Changing Goals Training (Value $197)
  • ​Access to Private Facebook Group (Value $47)
Total Value: $785
Today Just $47

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $27: Get the supplemental digital study guide for you and your spouse. This 13-page book outlines each secret, along with study questions and quizzes. This offer is not available ANYWHERE else.

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